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Dr. Srivani VeeranarayananPost - Doctoral Researcher,Bio Nano Electronics Research Center, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science, Toyo University, Kawagoe, Saitama, Japan. |
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D.Bionanotechnology, Bio - Nano Fusion Science Course, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science, Toyo University, Japan, 2012.
- M.Sc. Biomedical Genetics, Institute of Basic Medical Science, University of Madras, 2007.
- B.Sc. Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, University of Madras, 2005.
Professional History
- Post Doctoral Researcher, Bio-Nano Electronics Research Center, Toyo University, Japan (April 2012 – Present)
- Research Assistant, Bio-Nano Electronics Research Center, Toyo University, Japan (April 2009 –March 2012)
- Lecturer, Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Prof. Dhanapalan College for Women, University of Madras, Chennai (December 2007 - July 2008).
Academic Achievements
- Awarded IUPAC Young Researcher Award in International Conference ICFPAM-2013 held at Auckland, New Zealand.
- Awarded Best Paper Presenter – Dr. TasiloPrnka Prize in International Conference – Nanocon 2012 held at Brno, Czech Republic.
- Awarded Monbukagakusho MEXT Scholarship to pursue Ph.D, Japan - 2009.
- University Second Rank Holder in M.Sc.
- University First Rank Holder in B.Sc.
- Awarded Consecutive Merit Scholarship for excellence in studies from HFL.
Research Interests
Ph.D thesis: Mesoporous silica nanomaterials and silica-coated nanomaterials-application in optical imaging and treatment of cancer related angiogenesis.
Angiogenesis stands as a major hallmark in all types of cancer. Cancer, to grow uncontrollably needs essential nutrients and oxygen in high levels and they turn on synthesis of all known angiogenic factors leading to angiogenesis. Thus formed blood vessels feed the cancerous mass and also help in process of metastasis of cancer to a distant region. Targeting the angiogenesis with silica nanoformulations stands as efficient treatment therapeutics to treat cancer. Cutting their blood supply would make cancerous mass to starve for oxygen, nutrients etc., and would also prevent them from infiltrating to distant regions, thereby preventing secondary tumors.
Outline of research:
- Synthesis of highly porous silica nanoparticle and silica coated nanomaterials for theragnostic application of angiogenesis.
- Testing them for their efficacy in imaging and therapeutics in in vitro cell cultures using HUVEC and breast cancer cell lines.
Medaka embryos vascular disruption study – Pharmacological inhibition of Angiogenesis in vivo using the anti-angiogenicnanoformulation.
Work accomplished:
- Mesoporous silica nanoparticles are synthesized via modified template directed stober process using tetraethoxysilane as silica source. The mesopores are then efficiently loaded with drug/dye of interest and this nanoformulation is utilized for synergistic targeting of cancer and its related angiogenesis. In vitro and in vivo works are carried out and the efficacy of the nanoformulation against angiogenesis is elucidated.
- Microemulsion methodology was utilized to prepare silica encapsulated single CdS quantum dots of highly uniform size (20nm). The core CdS are highly luminescent and this core-shell particle appeared to be highly biocompatible and is utilized for endothelial imaging by active targeted mechanism.
- Drug loaded core-shell magnetic nanoparticle with silica coating are prepared using microemulsion method and these nanoparticles are intended to be used for magnetic separation and hyperthermic therapeutic treatment of cancer.
Research presently involved with:
- Multiple ligand based targeting of silica based nanoformulations for cancer neo-angiogenesis theragnostics
- Near infrared based deep tissue imaging using nanocrystals/Quantum dots
- Nanotoxicology– Toxicity analysis of cadmium based QDs, an in vitro study
- Interaction of nanoparticles with blood proteins– Protein corona and their effects on biodistribution and pharmacokinetics in vivo Nanohornsbased cancer theragnostics
Book chapter:
- Book chapter - Nanoparticluate materials for bioimaging. Srivani V*., Aswathy R. G*., D. Sakthi Kumar. Book: Nanomaterials and hazard assessment. Edited by: P.V. Mohanan.
Educational Book Centre, Mumbai, India (2011) (* Both authors contributed equally)
- Book chapter - Nanoparticluate materials for bioimaging. Srivani V*., Aswathy R. G*., D. Sakthi Kumar. Book: Nanomaterials and hazard assessment. Edited by: P.V. Mohanan.
Articles Published:
- FITC labeled Silica Nanoparticles as Efficient Cell Tags: Uptake and Photostability Study in Endothelial cells. Srivani V, Aby CP, Sheikh MM, Athulya A, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Journal of Fluorescence, 2012, Volume 22, pp. 537. -
Synthesis of aqueous CdS and silica coated CdS quantum dots and their application in optical cell imaging. Srivani V, Aby CP, Sheikh MM, Yutaka N,Seiki I, Y. NakagameShosaku K, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2012, Volume 7, pp. 3769. -
Synergistic Targeting of Cancer and Associated Angiogenesis Exercising Triple Targeted-Dual Drug Silica Nanoformulations for Theragnostics. Srivani V, Aby CP, Sheikh MM, Saino HV, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Small, 2012, Volume 8, pp. 3476. -
Aptamer functionalized silica nanoparticles for targeted cancer therapy. Athulya A*, Srivani V*, Aby CP, Remya N, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
BioNanoScience, 2012, Volume 2, pp. 1. (* Both authors contributed equally). -
Aptamer conjugated paclitaxel and magnetic fluid loaded fluorescently tagged PLGA nanoparticles for targeted cancer therapy. Athulya A, Remya N, Sreejith R, Srivani V, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2013, Volume 344,pp. 116. -
Type 1 Ribotoxin-Curcin Conjugated Biogenic Gold Nanoparticles for a Multimodal Therapeutic Approach towards Brain Cancer. Sheikh MM, Srivani V, Aby CP, Yutaka N, Hiroaki M, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
BBA-General Subjects, 2013, DoI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2013.12.020. -
PEG Coated Biocompatible Cadmium Chalcogenide Quantum Dots for Targeted Imaging of Cancer Cells. Aby CP, Srivani V, Sheikh MM, Sreejith R, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Journal of Fluorescence, 2012,Volume 22, pp. 931. - Rapid synthesis of triangular CdSnanocrystals without any trap emission. Aby CP, Srivani V, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012, Volume 14, pp. 789.
Synthesis of CuAlS2nanocrystals and its application in bioimaging. Aby CP, Srivani V, Athulya A, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Materials Express, 2012, Volume 2, pp. 94. -
Functionalized Electrophoretic deposition of CdSe QDs on to TiO2 electrode for photovoltaic application. Aby CP, Srivani V, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Chemical Physics Letters, 2012, Volume 197, pp. 539. -
Aptamer-labeled PLGA nanoparticles for cancer therapy. Athulya A. Saino H. V, Srivani V, Anila M., Yutaka N, Takahiro F, Takashi H, Seiki I, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Cancer Nanotechnology, 2012, Volume 3, pp. 1. -
AS1411 aptamer tagged PLGA-lecithin-PEG nanoparticles for tumor cell targeting and drug delivery. Athulya A,Prashanti J, Remya N,Srivani V, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2012, Volume 11,pp. 2920. -
Non-Destrucitve harvesting of biogenic gold nanoparticles from japtrophacurcas seed meal and shell extracts and their application as bio-diagnostic photothermalablaters-lending shine to bio diesel byproducts. Sheikh MM, Ankur B, Srivani V, Aby CP, Yutaka N, Hiroaki M, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Nanomaterials and the Environment 2012, Volume 1, pp. 3.
- FITC labeled Silica Nanoparticles as Efficient Cell Tags: Uptake and Photostability Study in Endothelial cells. Srivani V, Aby CP, Sheikh MM, Athulya A, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Manuscripts submitted:
- Multimodal Induction of Cell Death by the RIP Curcin- Toxicity and Future Pharmacological Implications.
News articles:
- Silica nanoparticle-based drug delivery for cancer treatment (http://asia.iop.org/cws/article/news/50760)
- Fluorescent probes: Loading silica nanoparticles (http://asia.iop.org/cws/article/news/48078)
- Paper published in International Journal of Nanomedicine selected as Well Received Article with more than 3000 views.
- Article published in Journal Small chosen as inside cover page article
Oral -
Synergistic Targeting of Cancer and Associated Angiogenesis In Vivo Using Triple-Targeted Drug Loaded Silica Nanoformulations for Theragnostics. Srivani V, Sheikh M S, Aby C P, Narumi H, Yasushi S, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M and D. Sakthi Kumar.
ICFPAM 2013, 8 – 13 th December, Auckland, New Zealand. -
Nanoformulation Facilitated Disruption of Vasculogenesis - Approach Towards Neo-Angiogenic Treatment. Srivani V, Aby CP, Sheikh M, S H Varghese, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M and D. Sakthi Kumar.
4th International Conference, October 23rd - 25th 2012, Hotel Voronez I, Brno, Czech Republic. -
Triple targeted-dual drug silica nanoformulations for cancer therapeutics. Srivani V.
3rd India-Japan Symposium on Frontiers in Science & Technology: Successes & Emerging Challenges, September 20-21, 2012, Indian Embassy Auditorium, Tokyo, Japan. -
Nanodrug Delivery and its importance in cancer therapy. Srivani V.
Visit of IISJ students to Bio Nano Electronics Research Center, 25 June 2012, Seminar Hall, 7th Building, Ground Floor, Toyo University, Kawagoe, Saitama, Japan. -
Nanoformulation mediated disruption of vasculogenesis in medaka fish model – approach towards patho-angiogenic treatment.Srivani V.
Life-Science Training Symposium, December 24, 2011,Toyo University, Itakura, Japan.
Synergistic Targeting of Cancer and Associated Angiogenesis In Vivo Using Triple-Targeted Drug Loaded Silica Nanoformulations for Theragnostics. Srivani V, Sheikh M S, Aby C P, Narumi H, Yasushi S, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M and D. Sakthi Kumar.
Selected Posters -
Interaction of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles In Vivo.Srivani V, Sheikh MM, Aby CP, Narumi H, Yasushi S, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M,D. Sakthi Kumar.
11th International symposium on Bio-Nano Science, Toyo University, Kawagoe, Japan. November 15, 2013. -
Effect of cadmium based quantum dots on morphology and differentiation of MSCs. Srivani V, Aby CP, Sheikh MM, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M,D. Sakthi Kumar.
BNERC-IJAA Joint International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology, 7-8 December 2012, Hakusan campus, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan. -
Nanoformulation mediated disruption of vasculogenesis in medaka fish model – approach towards patho-angiogenic treatment. Srivani V, A. CheruvathoorPoulose , S. Mohamed, Y. Nagaoka, S. Kashiwada, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar.
9th International symposium on Bio-Nano Science, Toyo University, Kawagoe, Japan. December 10, 2011. -
Fluorescent MRI responsive magnetic nanoparticles: intracellular uptake and its application in multimodal imaging. Srivani V, A. CheruvathoorPoulose , S. Mohamed, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar.
2nd symposium 2011 on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, October 7, 2011, Indian Embassy Auditorium, Tokyo. -
Drug loading in porous silica and study of nano and drug cytotoxicity invitro.Srivani V, A. CheruvathoorPoulose, S. Mohamed, S. Raveeendran, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar.
8th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 17-18, 2010, Tokyo, Japan. -
Synthesis of greener quantum dots and invitro study of nano-cytotoxicity.Srivani V, A. RavindranGirija, A. CheruvathoorPoulose, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar.
Nanosafe 2010, November 16-18, Grenoble, France. -
Nanoparticle mediated angiogenesis inhibitor delivery to suppress tumor vasculature in breast cancer.Srivani V, A. CheruvathoorPoulose, T. Maekawa, Y. Yoshida, D. Sakthi Kumar.
7th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, November 20-21, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
Interaction of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles In Vivo.Srivani V, Sheikh MM, Aby CP, Narumi H, Yasushi S, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M,D. Sakthi Kumar.