- 'Scope for collaboration between India, Japan in science and technology' (The Hindu, August 2016)
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http://asia.iop.org/cws/article/news/48078/ -
Alzheimer's disease: Cholesterol a menace? - Paper selected as one of the most read Brain Research Bulletin Articles
(Access November 1 st, 2011).
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/brain-research-bulletin/most-read-articles/ -
Developing nanosurgeons โ€“ Sci Tech Profiles Asia Pacific, 19 September 2011.
http://www.scitechpap.com/?p=1056 -
Nanomedicine: Magnetic nano surgeons -- IOP Asia Pacific (January 26, 2011)
http://asia.iop.org/cws/article/news/44774 -
Nanoparticulate material delivery to plants - Paper selected as Top 25 hottest articles
http://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/1/journal/plant-science/01689452/archive/29 -
Nanotechweb December 8, 2010
Aptamer conjugated magnetic particles perform surgical actions
Aptamers have been attached to magnetic nanoparticles that recognize only selected cancer cells. Dubbed nanosurgeons, these modified nanopariticles can be controlled externally by a three-dimensional magnetic field to perform surgical actions. http://nanotechweb.org/cws/article/lab/44470 -
Greetings from the Indian JSPS Alumni Association by IJAA Chair, Prof. D. Sakthi Kumar (JSPS Quarterly No. 33, 2010 Autum).http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-quart/33/03.html
"The Quantum Leap: Researchers Explore the Clinical Potential of...("August, 2010") more information regarding the pathological status of the disease, which makes the treatment more effective and efficient," said D. Sakthi Kumar, ...
Study data from D. Sakthi Kumar et al provide new insights into nanotechnology?(Medical News article on Nanotechnolgy) (NewsRx article Oct. 16, 2007)(Language - English)
Pamphlet published by REDS regarding my research results 2006 (Language - Japanese)
Indian Alumni Chair comes to JSPS (JSPS Quarterly No. 16, 2006, 11 (Language - English - News about Indian JSPS Alumni Club)
CREATE (Collaboration of Regional Entities for the Advancement of Technological Excellence) Published by Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2005 (23) (Language - Japanese)
Malayala Manorama 15 th January 2005 (Language - Malayalam)
Deepika 31 st December 2004 (Language - Malayalam)
Smart Bomb ? Tiny biocompatible devices that destroy cancer cells could be a reality (The Week October 12, 2003 (76-77) (Language - English) (http://www.the-week.com/23oct12/life6.htm)
Malayalees are every where ? even in nano world Seasonal Aug - Sep, 2003, 60 (Language - English )
Malayala Manorama - Sree May 18, 2003 (10,11,15) (Language - Malayalam)
Dr. Sakthi Kumar: Research in the realm of nanophysics Talent-Kerala.net - 28 May 2003