- Therapeutic efficiency of quantumdots mediated by chemo-photo-thermal therapy
and in vivo deep tissue imaging: Quantumdots as theragnostic agents (Oral by
R. G. Aswathy, B. Sivakumar, Y Yoshida, T Maekawa, Y. Sakamoto, D. Sakthi Kumar
2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology in Medicine (NanoMED), February (2014), University College London (Royal Free Hospital Campus) London, UK
- Dual targeted and dual drug loaded magnetic nanoformulation as theragnostic agent
and evaluation of synergistic effect of magnetic hyperthermia and drug-mediated
destruction of cancer cells (Poster)
B. Sivakumar, R.G. Aswathy, K. Venugopal, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology in Medicine (NanoMED), February (2014), University College London (Royal Free Hospital Campus) London, UK
- Synergistic Targeting of Cancer and Associated Angiogenesis In Vivo Using Triple-
Targeted Drug Loaded Silica Nanoformulations for Theragnostics. (Oral by Srivani
- Won IUPAC young researcher award)
Srivani V, Sheikh M S, Aby C P, Narumi H, Yasushi S, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M, D. Sakthi Kumar
ICFPAM 2013, 8 - 13 th December, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
- Fe3O4 Core-Silica Shell Nanoclusters based Multimodal Treatment Strategy for
Drug Resistant Breast Cancers (Oral by M. Sheikh - Won IUPAC young researcher
M. Sheikh Mohamed, Srivani Veeranarayanan, Aby Cheruvathoor Poulose, Yutaka Nagaoka, Yasuhiko Yoshida, Toru Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
12th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, (December 8-13, 2013) University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Prospects of extremophilic microbiology & sulfated polysaccharides in cancer
therapy & nanomedicine (Oral by Sreejith)
R. Sreejith, D. Sakthi Kumar
Second Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference 2013, 3rd- 5th Nov 2013, Santa Barbara, California, USA
- Therapeutic effects of curcumin-loaded and anti-body targeted nanoparticle in
gastric cancer (Poster)
Anila Mathew, Kato K, Venugopal K, Maekawa T, D. Sakthi Kumar
8th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials (NANOSMAT), September 24th, 2013, Granada, Spain.
- Application of nanoformulations as theragnostic materials in biomedical field to
fight against cancers, Alzheimers and Other diseases (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
Japan Tissue Culture Association 86th (JTCA meeting) May (2013), Tsukuba, Japan
- Polymeric nanoparticles conjugated with quantumdots as a potential diagnostic tool
for in vitro and in vivo imaging (Poster)
R. G. Aswathy, B. Sivakumar, Y. Sakamoto, Y Yoshida, T Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
Japan Tissue Culture Association 86th (JTCA meeting) May (2013), Tsukuba, Japan
- Ecofriendly Reduction of Graphene Oxide Using Extremophile Bacteria (Poster).
R. Sreejith, Adarsh Sandhu, D. Sakthi Kumar
Graphene 2012 International Conference, 10th- 13th of April 2012 Brussels, Belgium
- Extremophiles for biologically- based reduction of graphene oxide into grapheme
R. Sreejith, Adarsh Sandhu, D. Sakthi Kumar
Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring meeting & Exhibit at San Francisco, 9th- 13th of April 2012 California, USA.
- Synthesis, characterization and self-assembly of Cu2S Nanocrystals (Poster)
Aby C. P., S. Srivani, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
Nanocon 2012, Brno, Czech Republic
- Nanoformulation Facilitated Disruption of Vasculogenesis - Approach Towards Neo-
Angiogenic Treatment. (Oral by Srivani - Won Best Paper award- Dr. TasiloPrnka
Prize )
Srivani V, Aby C P, Sheikh M, S H Varghese, Yutaka N, Yasuhiko Y, Toru M and D. Sakthi Kumar
4th International Conference, October 23rd - 25th 2012, Hotel Voronez I, Brno, Czech Republic, Europe.
- An effective photothermal therapy against cancer cells and deep tissue imaging with
targeted NIR QD' (Oral by R. G. Aswathy)
Ravindran Girija Aswathy, D. Sakthi Kumar
International Conference on safe production and use of nanomaterials, November (2012), Grenoble, France
- Enhanced Antiproliferation of Cancer Cells By Biocompatible Multifunctional
Microbial Exopolysaccharide Stabilized Magnetic Nanoparticles (Poster)
Balasubramanian Sivakumar, R.G. Aswathy, R. Sreejith, Y. Nagaoka, M. Suzuki, Y.Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
International Conference on safe production and use of nanomaterials, November (2012), Grenoble, France
Application of nanomaterials in biomedical field to fight against cancer, Alzheimer's and other diseases (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
17 - 19 th, October 2012, 4 th International conference on advanced nanomaterials (ANM 2012), Chennai, India
- Extremophilic bacterial polysaccharide based nanoparticles for sustained drug delivery, cancer chemotherapy and cellular imaging (Oral by Sreejith R.)
SreejithRaveendran, Yasuhiko Yoshida, Toru Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
23rd -27th July 2012, International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology (ICNT) 2012, Paris, France
- Curcin loaded hybrid lipid nanoparticles as efficient means of transportthrough in vitro blood brain barrier mimic with augmented therapeutic effect-strategy towards brain cancer therapy (Poster)
M. Sheikh Mohamed, Srivani Veeranarayanan, Aby CheruvathoorPoulose, Yutaka Nagaoka, Hiroaki Minegishi,Yasuhiro Shimane, Yasuhiko Yoshida, Toru Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
18-20 June 2012, 8th NanoBio Europe 2012 ,Varese, Italy
- Nanotechnology in delivery of bioactive components of food against cancer and Alzheimer's disease (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
79 th international seminar on food science and communication, June 13 -15, 2012, Daejeon Convention center, Daejeon, Korea
- Use of polymers in nanodrug delivery and as scaffolds (Asian Excellence Award - Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
Society of Polymer Science Japan 61st annual seminar, May 29 - 31, 2012 Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan
- Fusion of bio nanoscience to fight against cancer (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
International conference and exhibition on biosensors and bioelectronics, May 14-16, 2012 Embassy Suites, Las Vegas, USA
- Aptamer- Labeled PLGA Nanoparticles For Targeted Drug Delivery In Cancer Cells (Poster)
Athulya Aravind, Saino Hanna Varghese, Srivani Veeranarayanan, Anila Mathew, Yutaka Nagaoka,TakahiroFukuda,TakashiHasumura, Yasuhiko Yoshida, Toru Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
2ndNanotoday conference, December 11-15, 2011, Mariott Beach Resort, Hawaii.USA
- In vitro neuronal cell targeting by Tet-1 coupled curcumin encapsulated PLGA nanoparticles. (Poster)
AnilaMathew, A. Aravind, T. Fukuda, Y. Nagaoka, T. Hasumura, H. Morimoto,Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa,K. Venugopal, D. Sakthi Kumar
9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 10th, 2011, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
- Biocompatible fluorescent zein nanoparticles. (Poster)
R.G.Aswathy, B.Sivakumar, BrahatheeswaranDhandayuthapani, Y.Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 10th, 2011, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
- Nanoformulation mediated disruption of vasculogenesis in medaka fish- approach towards angiogeneic treatment(Poster)
S. Veeranarayanan, Aby CheruvathoorPoulose, S Mohamed, Y Nagaoka, S. Kashiwada, Y Yoshida, T Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 10th, 2011, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
- Electrospun fluorescent nanofibrous scaffold for drug delivery application.(Poster)
BrahatheeswaranDhandayuthapani, A.Mathew, R. G. Aswathy, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yoshida, T.Maekawa,D. Sakthi Kumar
9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 10th, 2011, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
- Synthesis and characterization of colloidal Cu2S, Cu2Se and Cu2Te nanocrystals and their application in biology(Poster)
Aby CheruvathoorPoulose, S Veeranarayanan, Y Nagaoka, Y Yoshida, T Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 10th, 2011, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
- Silica nanoparticle- aptamer bio-conjugate mediated tumor targeted drug delivery(Poster)
Athulya Aravind, SrivaniVeeranarayanan, Aby CheruvathoorPoulose, Remya Nair, Yutaka Nagaoka, Yasuhiko Yoshida, ToruMaekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 10th, 2011, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
- Solid lipid nanoparticles for theragnostics.(Poster)
M. Sheikh Mohamed, S Veeranarayanan, AnkurBaliyan, Y Nagaoka, Y Yoshida, T Maekawa,D. Sakthi Kumar
9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 10th, 2011, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
- Extremophiles in the biological reduction of grapheme oxide(Poster)
SreejithRaveendran, Y. Tanizawa, R. Tero, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, A. Sandhu, D. Sakthi Kumar
9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 10th, 2011, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
- Functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes as nanocarriers against breast cancer(Poster)
PrashantiJeyamohan, Athulya Aravind, S. Veeranarayanan, Aby CheruvathoorPoulose, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 10th, 2011, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
- Biocompatible carboxymethyl cellulose coated magnetic nanoparticles(Poster)
BalasubramanianSivakumar , R. G. Aswathy, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
9th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, December 10th, 2011, Kawagoe Campus, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
- Highly luminescent Gd conjugated quantum dots based tumor multimodal imaging.(Poster)
Aby CheruvathoorPoulose, S Veeranarayanan, Y Nagaoka, Y Yoshida, T Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
India-Japan Symposium on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 2011.
- Fluorescent MRI responsive magnetic nanoparticles: intracellular uptake and its application in multimodal imaging (Poster)
S Veeranarayanan, AbyCheruvathoorPoulose, S Mohamed, Y Nagaoka, Y Yoshida, T Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
India-Japan Symposium on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 2011.
- Fluorescent nanomaterial uptake and translocation in jatrophacurcas- creating new opportunities in health and environmental domains (Poster)
S Mohamed, S Veeranarayanan, AbyCheruvathoorPoulose, Y Nagaoka, Y Yoshida, T Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
India-Japan Symposium on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 2011.
- Material designed for medical applications: zein - swcntnanocomposite scaffold.(Poster)
BrahatheeswaranDhandayuthapani,Saino H.V., Y. Yoshida, T.Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
India-Japan Symposium on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 2011.
- Curcumin nanoparticles for treating Alzheimer`s disease- A way of herbal renaissance (Oral by Anila Mathew)
AnilaMathew, A. Aravind, D. Brahatheeswarn, T. Fukuda, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
India-Japan Symposium on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 2011.
- Folate conjugated biocompatible fluorescent carboxymethyl cellulose nanoparticle. (Poster)
R.G.Aswathy, B.Sivakumar, BrahatheeswaranDhandayuthapani, Y. Yoshida, T.Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
India-Japan Symposium on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 2011
- Nanoparticle - aptamer bio conjugate based tumor targeted drug delivery (Oral by Athulya Aravind)
Athulya Aravind, Saino Hanna Varghese, SrivaniVeeranarayanan, Anila Mathew, Yutaka Nagaoka,TakahiroFukuda,TakashiHasumura, Yasuhiko Yoshida, ToruMaekawa,D. Sakthi Kumar
India-Japan Symposium on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 2011
- Carbon nanotube mediated cancer therapy(Poster)
PrashantiJeyamohan, SanalSukuvihar, Masanori Hashiguchi, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
India-Japan Symposium on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 2011
- Synthesis and characterization of biocompatible carboxymethyl cellulose coated magnetic nanoparticles (Poster)
BalasubramanianSivakumar , R. G. Aswathy, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
India-Japan Symposium on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 2011
- Anticancer Studies of Mauran and its Applications in Nanotechnology (Poster)
SreejithRaveendran, Srivani Veeranarayanan, Aswathy R.G, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
India-Japan Symposium on Global Challenges in Health and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, October 7, 2011
- Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Chalcogenides and Chalcopyrite Nanocrystals and its Biological Application (Oral by Aby C. P.).
Aby C.P., Srivani V., Toru Maekawa, Yasuhiko Yoshida, D. Sakthi Kumar
Nanoflorida 2011, Miami, Florida, United States,September 30-October 1, 2011.
- Curcumin Nanoparticles- a gateway for multifaceted approach to tackle Alzheimer's Disease (Oral by Anila Mathew)
Anila Mathew, A. Aravind, T Fukuda, T. Hasumura, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yoshida, T., Maekawa, K. Venugopal, D. Sakthi Kumar
IEEE Nano 2011Conference on Nanotechnology, Portland, USA, August 15-19, 2011
- Nanomaterials and its applications in bionanotechnology (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
Third International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology, Cochin Nano 2011, Cochin, India, 14-17 August 2011,
- Aptamer conjugated magnetic nanoparticles as nanosurgeons (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
2nd International Nanomedicine Conference Sydney 2011, Sydney, Australia, 14-16 July, 2011
- Fusion of bio nano science to fight against cancer and its some other applications (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
International Seminar on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Kawagoe, Japan, March 14- 15, 2011
- Polymers as biomaterials and its application in bio nanotechnology (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
Japan Polymer Society (Saitama Chapter), Kawagoe, Japan, February 17, 2011
- Carbon nanomaterials as growth boosters of plants and aptamer conjugated magnetic nanoparticles as nanosurgeons (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
Eighth International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology December 16 -17, 2010, Tokyo, Japan
- Magnetic cells - application in biology and medicine(Poster)
Baiju G. Nair, Y. Nagaoka, T. Fukuda, H. Morimoto, T. Mizuki,Y. Yoshida,T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 17-18, 2010.
- Uptake of FITC labelled silica nanoparticles and quantum dots by rice seedlings: Effects on seed germination and their potential as biolabels of plants (Poster)
RemyaNair, Aby C.P.,Y. Nagaoka, Y.Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December ,17-18, 2010.
- Electrochemical sensing of covalently grafted SWCNTs-DNA on ITO(Poster)
Saino H. Varghese, T. Ukai, Y. Nakajima, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 17-18, 2010.
- Synthesis and characterization of curcumin encapsulated PLGA nanoparticles into brain for controlling Alzheimer's Disease.(Poster)
Anila Mathew, T. Maekawa, Y. Yoshida, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December17-18, 2010.
- Aqueos synthesis and cytotoxicity studies of biopolymer coated quantumdots. (Poster)
Aswathy R.G., Srivani V., Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 17-18, 2010.
- Drug loading in porous silica and study of nano and drug cytotoxicity invitro. (Poster)
Srivani V., Aby C.P., Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December17-18, 2010.
- In vitro hemocomptibility studies of Zein containing Silk fibroin nanofiber scaffold (Poster)
Brahatheeswaran D., T. Maekawa, Y. Yoshida, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 17-18, 2010.
- Cadmium chalcogenide quantum dots synthesis and application in solar energy conversion.(Poster)
Aby C. P., T. Maekawa, Y.Yoshida, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December, 17-18, 2010.
- Polymeric nanospheres as drug delivery vehicles in Breast Cancer: Synthesis and Characterization.(Poster)
AthulyaAravind, Anila Mathew, T. Maekawa, Y. Yoshida, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 17-18, 2010.
- A novel multipotentnanodrug from JatrophaCurcas.(Poster)
M. Sheikh Mohamed, H. Minegishi, A.Echigo, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December17-18, 2010.
- Extremophilicsulphatedexopolysaccharides for antiviral drug delivery.(Poster)
SreejithRaveendran, T. Mizuki, T. Ukai, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December,17-18, 2010.
- Development of DNA biosensor based on SWCNTs(Poster)
T. Sato, M.Shimada, Saino H. Varghese, Y. Yoshida, D. Sakthi Kumar
8 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December, 17-18, 2010.
- Biomimetic Nanofibrous Scaffolds: Preparation and Characterization of Silk Fibroin / Zein Blend Nanofibers (Poster)
D. Brahatheeswaran, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
NanoBioTech-Montreux 2010, November 14 - 17, 2010, Montreux, Switzerland
- Evaluation of in vitro toxicity of biopolymer coated PbSe nanoparticles (Poster)
G. Aswathy, V. Srivani, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
Nanosafe 2010, November 16 -18, 2010, Grenoble, France
- Synthesis of greener quantum dots and study of nano toxicity invitro(Poster)
V. Srivani, Aby C. P., G. Aswathy, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
Nanosafe 2010, November 16 -18, 2010, Grenoble, France
- Aptamer conjugated magnetic nanoparticles as nanosurgeons (Poster)
Baiju. G. Nair, H. Morimoto, T. Mizuki, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
TechConnect World Nanotechnology Conference,June 21-25,2010 Anaheim, CA, USA
- Electrospinning technology for nanofibrous scaffolds in tissue engineering. (Poster)
Brahatheeswaran D., Y. Yoshida, T. Hanajiri, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
7 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 20-21, 2009.
- Synthesis and Applications of Semiconductor Nanocrystals in Solar Energy Conversion (Poster)
Aby C. P., Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
7 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 20-21, 2009.
- Synthesis and characterization of targeted nano-regulators into brain for controlling Alzheimer's Disease. (Poster)
Anila, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
7 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 20-21, 2009.
- Nanoparticle mediated angiogenesis inhibitor delivery to suppress tumor vasculature in breast cancer (Poster)
Srivani, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
7 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 20-21, 2009.
- QUANTUMDOTS- Synthesis and application in gastric cancer imaging (Poster)
Aswathy, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, S. Kaul, T. Hanajiri, D. Sakthi Kumar
7 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 20-21, 2009.
- Cellular Manipulation (Brain Cells) Using Aptamer conjugated Magnetic Nanoparticles (MAG-FORCE) (Poster)
Baiju G. Nair, Y. Yoshida,T. Mizuki, T. Maekawa, S. Kaul, D. Sakthi Kumar
7 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 20-21, 2009.
- Single wall carbon nanotubes and aptamer based biosensors (Poster)
Saino H. Varghese, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, Kaustav Banerjee, D. Sakthi Kumar
7 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 20-21, 2009.
- Uptake and effects of nanomaterials on the growth ofrice (Oryza sativa) plants (Poster)
Remya Nair, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
7 th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, December 20-21, 2009.
- Size tuning and oxygen plasma induced pore formation on silica nanoparticles (Poster)
Remya Nair, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
Trends in Nanotechnology (TNT) 2009, Barcelona, Spain, September 7-11, 2009
- Development of biosensors based on single wall carbon nanotubes and aptamers (Poster)
Saino Varghese, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar
Trends in Nanotechnology (TNT) 2009, Barcelona, Spain, September 7-11, 2009
- Nanodrug delivery - An answer to cancer menace (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
2nd SAMPADA-2008 to be held at Pune, INDIA, December 8-12,2008.
- A biopolymer developed from poly ethylene glycol - An effective material to modify the surface of the nanodrugs (Oral)
D. Sakthi Kumar
International Congress of Nanobio& Clean Tech (ICNBC 2008), San Francisco, California, USA October 27-30, 2008
- Syntheses of Thin Films by Plasma Process and Their Applications to Biotechnology (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida, A. Shoji
The 25th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology (CPST-25), Materials & Processes for Advanced Microlithography and Nanotechnology, University Convention Hall, ChibaUniversity, Chiba, Japan,June 26, 2008
- SPR - based biosensor for the immunoassay and the sensor chip modified polymer matrix. (Poster)
S. Kondo, A. Shoji, D. Sakthi Kumar, S. Ishii, Y. Yoshida
5th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Kawagoe, Japan, December 4-5, 2007
- Carbon nanotubes and plasma deposited polymeric biomaterials (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, December 3,2007
- Isolated bundles of highly straight, highly uniform, single wall carbon nanotubes grown at very low temperature. (Oral)
D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
Materials Research Society, (fall meeting) Boston, MA, USA, November 26-30, 2007
- Biomaterials by plasma processing and its applications in Bio-Nano technology. (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
Recent advances and new directions in Bio-Nanotechnology Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies, University of California, USA, August 6-8, 2007
- Isolated bundles of highly straight, highly uniform, single wall carbon nanotubes grown at very low temperature. (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
Recent advances and new directions in Bio-Nanotechnology Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies, University of California, USA, August 6-8, 2007
- Plasma polymerized polyethylene glycol - highly bio compatible material to modify the surface of bio materials devices (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar, A.Shoji, YasuhikoYoshida
The 20 th symposium on plasma science for materials, Noyori Conference Hall Nagoya, Japan, June 21-22, 2007
- Novel method for modification of the PET surface - Highly bio compatible materials to modify the surface of biomaterial devices. (Poster)
D. Sakthi Kumar, A. Jayakrishnan, Yasuhiko Yoshida
4 th International symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Okinawa, Novermber 7- 8, 2006, Japan
- Highly enhanced biosensor response for anti ratIgG- Streptavidin recombination using surface modified SPR sensor. (Poster)
Fangwenshi, D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
4 th International symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Okinawa, Novermber 7- 8, 2006, Japan
- Structural and Magnetic characterization of oleic acid coated cobalt nanoparticles synthesized by a novel route. (Poster)
V. Sunny, P. A. Joy, D. Sakthi Kumar, Y. Yoshida, M.R. Anantharaman
4 th International symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Okinawa, Novermber 7- 8, 2006, Japan
- Preparation of Multiwall carbon nanotubes, onions and doughnuts from polyaniline. (Poster)
Amrithesh, S. Aravind, D. Sakthi Kumar, Y. Yoshida, S. Jayalekshmi
4 th International symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Okinawa, Novermber 7- 8, 2006, Japan
- Development of biosensor immobilized alcohol oxidase to measure formaldehyde (Poster)
A. Shoji, D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
4 th International symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Okinawa, Novermber 7- 8, 2006, Japan
- Bio polymers developed from glucose and its derivatives for the application in the biosensor field. (Poster)
Fangwenshi, D. Sakthi Kumar, Y.Yoshida
Japan Soc. of Applied Physics Kyoto, August 29 - Sept 1,2006, Japan
- Creation of diamonds at low substrate temperature (Poster)
D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
Third International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology Miyazaki, Japan November 24 -25, 2005.
- Plasma polymerized Tween - 20 as biocompatible polymers. (Poster)
S. Sasuga, D. Sakthi Kumar, F. W. Shi, A. Shoji, Y. Yoshida
Third International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology Miyazaki, Japan November 24 -25, 2005.
- Development of Alkylphenol biosensor based on Tyrosinase-embodied gold (Poster)
A. Shoji, D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
T hird International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology Miyazaki, Japan November 24 -25, 2005.
- Importance of plasma polymer biomaterials in nanodrug delivery and other futuristic applications (Invited talk)
D. Sakthi Kumar
International Symposium on Novel Techniques in Nano-Biology (ISNB05) April 21~23, 2005, Dongshin University, S.Korea
- A bio polymer developed from Geraniol - An effective material to modify the surface of nano drugs (Poster)
D. Sakthi Kumar,T.Minemoto,RYoshinaka,K.Asano,A.Jayakrishnan,Yasuhiko Yoshida
Fourth Asian International symposium on Biomaterials & Second International Symposium on fusion of Nano and Bio Technologies Tsukuba, Japan November 16 -18, 2004.
- Future of plasma polymer biomaterials in the fields of nanodrug deliveries and the creation of cyborgs (Invited talk)
(http://nls.cse.eng.toyo.ac.jp/nls/COE/COEHP.htm) D. Sakthi Kumar
Second International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology Tokyo, Japan November 14 -15, 2004.
- Plasma polymerized polyethylene glycol - highly bio compatible material to modify the surface of bio materials devices (Oral)
D. Sakthi Kumar,K.Asano,T.Minemoto,R.Yoshinaka,A.Jayakrishnan,YasuhikoYoshida
53 rd SPSJ Symposium on Macromolecules Hokkaido, JapanSeptember 15 - 17, 2004
- Bio compatible polymer developed from citral - Initial step for a gateway to check and eradicate tumor cells (Poster)
D. Sakthi Kumar,R.Yoshinaka,T.Minemoto,K.Asano,A.Jayakrishnan,YasuhikoYoshida
5 th International Seminar on Bio Physics Gotemberg, SwedenAugust 23 - 27, 2004
- Cobalt nanorods prepared from CoTPP by the assistance of plasma (Poster)
D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
First International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology Hakusan, Tokyo, JapanNovmeber 15 th, 2003
- Biocompatible polymer developed by plasma polymerization of glucose (Oral)
D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
First International Symposium on Applied Physics (APHYS - 2003) Badajoz, Spain October 13- 18, 2003
- An organometallic polymer film developed by plasma polymerization of MnTPPCl and its application as bio and chemical sensors (Oral)
D. Sakthi Kumar, NayoaTsukuda, Yasuhiko Yoshida
52 nd SPSJ Symposium on Macromolecules, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan September 24-26, 2003
- Polymer Nanocomposite thin films prepared by plasma polymerization of copper tertraphenylporphyrin (CuTPP) (Poster)
D. Sakthi Kumar, K.Nakamura,S. Nishiyama, H. Noguchi, K. Kashiwagi, Y. Yoshida
National symposium on nanostructured materials Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Dec. 5- 6, 2002
- Biocompatible polymer film by plasma polymerization of Acetobromoglucose (Poster)
D. Sakthi Kumar, K.Nakamura,S.Nishiyama, H. Noguchi, K.Kashiwagi, Y. Yoshida
Creation of nano-micro structures in bio science and technology Kawagoe, JAPAN, Nov 16,2002
- Electrical and optical characterization of plasma polymerized acetobromoglucose thin films (Oral)
D. Sakthi Kumar, K. Nakamura, Y. Yoshida
Eighth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Garmisch- Partenkirchen, Germany, Sep 9 -13 / 2002
- Plasma polymerized thin film from Copper tetra phenyleporphyrin (Poster)
K. Nakamura, D. Sakthi Kumar, Y. Yoshida
Eighth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Garmisch- Partenkirchen, Germany, Sep 9 -13 / 2002
- Investigations in the sensing mechanisms of plasma polymerized CoTPP&CuTPP films (Oral/Poster)
D. Sakthi Kumar,K.Nakamura,H.Noguchi,S.Ishi, K.Kashiwagi,Y.Yoshida
The fifth East-Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors Nagasaki,JAPAN,Dec 4 -7/2001
- Plasma polymerized thin film from 1,3butadiene/Co2mixing gas (Poster)
K.Nakamura,S.Nishiyama,D. Sakthi Kumar,H.Noguchi,S.Ishi,K.Kashiwagi, Y.Yoshida
The Sixth International Symposium on Bio-Nano ElectronicsNanotechnology and Bio Science for the 21 st century. Kawagoe, JAPAN, Nov 17,2001
- Dielectric properties of plasma polymerized pyrrole thin film capacitors (Oral/Poster)
D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
Frontiers of Surface Engineering 2001 (FSE 2001), { FSE 2001 is a joint international conference of The 6 th Asian Surface Finishing Forum (6 th ASFF), 3 rd Asian - European Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2001), The 5 th Asia - Pacific Interfinish Congress (5 th APIC), The 4 th Japan - Korea Symposium on Plasma and Thin Film Technology} Nagoya, JAPAN, Oct 28 - Nov 1 / 2001
- Electrical and optical properties of plasma polymerized eucalyptus oil films (Oral)
D. Sakthi Kumar, Rajan K. John, K.Nakamura,S.Nishiyama,H.Noguchi,S.Ishi,K.Kashiwagi,Y.Yoshida.
National Symposium on Science and Technology of Vacuum and Thin Films Bangalore, INDIA, Sep 5 - 7 / 2001
- A new dielectric polymer material from plasma polymerized lemongrass oil (A natural oil) (Oral)
D. Sakthi Kumar, Yasuhiko Yoshida
International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT - 2001) Singapore, July 1 - 6 / 2001
- Electrical and optical properties of plasma polymerized pyrrole thin films (Oral)
D. Sakthi Kumar and Yasuhiko Yoshida
The 14 th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials Tokyo, JAPAN, June 13 - 14 / 2001