Career Milestones
- Professor (2010 April - till date ) - Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science, Toyo University, Japan.
(Classes taken: 1. Advanced Nanotechnology 2. Bio-Nano Science 3. Biomaterials and it's applications in Nanotechnology, 4. Basics and Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) 5. Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in Bio-Nano Science and Materials Science, 6. Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 7. Application of Biochemistry in Bio-Nano Science, 8. Design thinking for innovation in Material science and life science, 9. Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology. - Visiting Professor (2023 April – till date) - Graduate School of Information Sciences and Arts, Toyo University, Japan (Classes taken: AI Computing).
- Deputy Director ( April 2016 - March 2023) Bio Nano Electronics Research Center, Toyo University, Japan
- Co-Director (International Affairs) (2013 April - 2016 March) - Bio Nano Electronics Research Center, Toyo University, Japan
- Deputy Director (International Affairs) (2010 April - 2013 March) - Bio Nano Electronics Research Center, Toyo University, Japan
- Assistant Director (International Affairs) (2009 February - 2010 March) - Bio Nano Electronics Research Center, Toyo University, Japan
- Associate Professor (2008 April - 2010 March)- Bio Nano Electronics Research Center, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science, Toyo University, Japan.
- Research Scientist and Lecturer (Part time) (April 2007 - March 2008) in Bio Nano Electronics Research Centre, Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Toyo University, JAPAN
- Research Scientist (April 2003 - March 2007) in Bio Nano Electronics Research Centre, Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Toyo University, JAPAN under the project, Rational Evolutionary Design of Advanced Biomolecules (REDS), Saitama Prefecture Collaboration of Regional Entities for the Advancement of Technological Excellence, Japan Science and Technology Corporation) Project: Construction of aptamer bio sensors for micro and nano analytical devices and also to use in nanodrug delivery.
- JSPS post-doctoral fellow (April 2001 - March 2003). (Japan Society for Promotion of Science) in Bio Nano Electronics Research Centre, Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Toyo University, JAPAN.
- Research Associate (2000 Jan -2001 March), Thin Film Lab, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. Project: CdZnS/PbS Coated Semiconducting Nano Particles)
- Guest Lecturer (1995 - 2000) Dept. of Physics, C.M.S. College, Kottayam (Classes were taken for M. Sc. (Solid State Electronics, Mathematical Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Molecular Spectroscopy) and B. Sc. (Nuclear Physics & Mechanics)
- Research Assistant (1992-1995)) George Sudarshan Center for Physics and Computer Science, Dept. of Physics, C.M.S. College (Affiliated to M.G. University )
Academic Achievements
- M.B.A. (Design and Leadership for Societal Innovation) Shizenkan University, Tokyo, Japan (https://shizenkan.ac.jp/en/program-en/) (2021 – 2023) (Project: Inscribe leadership and management skills in scientists and engineers)
- Post Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI & ML) (PGP (AI&ML)) (https://onlineexeced.mccombs.utexas.edu/) (2019-2020) McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, USA.
- Ph. D. (Physics) / M.G. University / 1998 Area of specialization: Thin Film Technology - Solid State Physics Thesis title: Electrical and optical properties of plasma polymerized films. Thesis supervisor: Prof. M. G. Krishna Pillai, Director, George Sudarshan Center for Physics and Computer science, C.M.S. College, Kottayam, Kerala - 686 001. (Former head of the Dept., Dept. of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology (http://www.cusat.ac.in/), Cochin)
- M. Sc. (Physics) / M.G. University / 1991 Specialization: Electronics and Computer Technology
- B. Sc. (Physics) / M.G. University /1989 Subjects: Physics (Main), Mathematics (Sub), Statistics (Sub)
Honors, Awards and Memberships
- A lifetime of learning, Philosophy and More: Prof. D. Sakthi Kumar’s Tryst with Japan - Interview article published by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan. Selected as one of the top 5 well-performing Foreign Professors working in Japanese Universities to be interviewed by (JSPS), Japan (https://www.drsakthikumar.com/latestnews.php)
- Member of Editorial Board - Scientific Reports ( Nature Publication), Frontiers in Nanotechnology
- Guest Editor (Quantum Dots Collection) (2023) – Scientific Reports (Nature Publication) (Co-Editors – Dr. Han Htoon (Los Alamos National Lab, USA), Prof. Yong-Hoon Cho, KAIST, Korea) ( https://www.nature.com/collections/bedbhfdghh/guest-editors)
- STE International Achiever Award (2020) Save The Environment (STE)- Society for Research, Awareness and Social Development, India
- Symposium organizing committee member: Organ on a chip -Toward personalized Precision Medicine (Symposium SM01) MRS 2020 Spring Meeting and Exhibit, April 13-17, 2020, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (mrs.org/spring2020)
- Invited to deliver tutorial on "Microfluidic Devices for bio applications based on Nanotechnology" MRS 2020 Spring Meeting and Exhibit, April 13-17, 2020, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (mrs.org/spring2020)
- Garshom Award 2018 for Educational Excellence Award 2018 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAEs5vjJvhA)
- Invited as panelist of Govt. of India as subject expert for science field for the proposals for the policy decision discussions organized Govt. of India for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, the sessions chaired by Hon. Minister for External Affairs Mrs. Sushma Swaraj, Hon. Minister for Science and Technology Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Hon. Minister for Law Mr. Ravishankar Prasad, Hon. Minister of State for External Affairs of India V. K. Singh. Hon. Minister for Statistics Mr. Sadananda Gowda.
- Visited IIT Delhi and also attended India-Japan S&T Forum as member of the invited group headed by Hon. Deputy Minister of MEXT Mr. Tsuchiya Sadayuki.
- Guest Editor Materials Research Communications (Special Issue (2017)-Organ on a Chip)
- Many of our research publications came as cover page articles in journals
- Many of my students won international best oral, poster presentations including IUPAC Young Researcher Award, Tasilo Prnka Prize, Travel awards etc.
- Received Asian Excellence Award (2012) - From Society of Polymer Science Japan (SPSJ)
- Founder and Chairman of Indian JSPS Alumni Association, which is having now more than 400 members. (www.indianjspsalumni.org)
- Member - Materials Research Society (MRS), American Chemical Society (ACS), American Nano Society.
- Delivered invited talks in several international seminars.
- Served as panel member in scientific advisory committee, organizing committee in several international seminars.
- J. S. P. S. Postdoctoral Fellowship (April 2001 - March 2003) (https://www.jsps.go.jp/english/)
- Listed name in Marquis Who's Who in the world 22 nd edition, 2005 ( http://www.marquiswhoswho.com/products/WOprodinfo.asp#)
- Listed name in Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engg. - 8 th Edition (http://www.marquiswhoswho.com/products/SCprodinfo.asp)
- University Research Scholar Fellowship (1995 - 98)
- Reviewership held for the journals, Biomacromolecules, Journal of Polymer Science part B: Polymer Physics, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Materials Science and Engg. B, Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, Polymer, Fusion Technology, Asian Chemistry Letters