Over the past decades, significant efforts have been dedicated to investigate the use of nanoparticles in the fields of biology and medicine. NPs are a fascinating class of materials because their condensed physical dimensionality leads to the appearance of catalytic, chemical, optoelectronic, and magnetic properties not found in bulk materials. They continue rather difficult to handle for applications, though, due to their colloidal nature and their vulnerability to uncontrolled aggregation. Thus, there is a requirement for synthetic approaches for designing functional materials out of NPs. Different types of nanoparticles have successfully made their way into preclinical studies in animals, clinic trials in patients, or even successful commercial products used in routine clinical practice. However, there remains an domineering need to develop novel synthetic approaches to produce a new generation of nanoparticles that have 1) controllable sizes and morphologies, 2) low toxicity, compatible immunogenicity and in vivo degradability, and 3) proper surface charges and chemistry for improved physiological stability and longer circulation time. Moreover, multiple functions are needed to be conferred to individual nanoparticles for conducting multiple applications in parallel.
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Various nanoparticles synthesized in our laboratory |
Our research team focuses on synthesis of varied nanoparticles that are useful in broad range of applications. Carbon based, organic, inorganic, polymer based nanoparticles are prepared by our team which finds application in the area of drug delivery, diagnostics, tissue engineering, solar energy conversion, bio/bio-chemical sensors, electronics etc. We are successful with handful of papers in obtaining nanoparticles from different bulk materials with precise size and shape tuning. We are also involved in improvising the biocompatibility of these nanostructures for their futuristic application. Multi-functional nanoparticles are the research area, which we truly specialize.
- Synthesis of CuAlS2nanocrystals and its application in bio imaging. Aby CheruvathoorPoulose, S. Veeranarayanan, Y. Nagaoka, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. S. Kumar. Materials Express, 2012, 2:94-104.
Rapid synthesis of triangular CdSnanocrystals without any trap emission. Aby CheruvathoorPoulose, S. Veeranarayanan, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. S. Kumar. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2012, 14:789.
Size tuning and oxygen plasma induced pore formation on silica nanoparticles Remya Nair, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthikumar. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 22 (3) (2012) 193-200
Non-Destructive Harvesting of Biogenic Gold Nanoparticles from Jatrophacurcas Seed Meal and Shell Extracts and their Application as Bio- Diagnostic PhotothermalAblaters-Lending Shine to the Biodiesel Byproducts. M. S. Mohamed, A. Baliyan, S. Veeranarayanan, Aby CheruvathoorPoulose, Y. Nagaoka, H. Minegishi, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. S. Kumar Nano Materials and Environment. 11/2012; 1: 3-17.
Green synthesis, characterization and in vitro biocompatibility of starch capped PbSe nanoparticles, Aswathy R. G., B. Sivakumar, D. Brahatheeswaran, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthikumar. Advanced Science Letters 16 (1) (2012) 69-75(7)
Biocompatible fluorescent zein nanoparticles for simultaneous bioimaging and drugdelivery application, Aswathy R.G., B. Sivakumar, D. Brahatheeswaran, T. Fukuda, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthikumar, Advances in Natural Sciences:Nano Science and Nanotechnology 3 (2012) 025006
Multifunctional biocompatible fluorescent carboxymethyl cellulose nanoparticles, R. G. Aswathy,B. Sivakumar, D. Brahatheeswaran, R. Sreejith, T. Ukai,T. Fukuda, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthikumar, Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology3 (2012) 254
Synthesis and application of luminescent single CdS quantum dot encapsulated silica nanoparticles directed for precision optical bioimaging, Srivani V., Aby C. P., M. Sheikh M., Y. Nagaoka, SeikiIwai, Y. Nakagame, S. Kashiwada, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. Sakthikumar, International Journal of Nanomedicine7 (2012) 3769 - 3786
Bacterial Exopolysaccharide based Nanoparticles for Sustained Drug Delivery, CancerChemotherapy and Bioimaging, S. Raveendran, AbyCheruvathoorPoulose, Y. Yoshida, T. Maekawa, D. S. Kumar. Carbohydrate Polymers 2013, 91: 22– 32