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Dr. Ankit Rochani (April 2014-2017)Post-Doctoral Researcher,Bio Nano Electronics Research Center, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science, Toyo University, Kawagoe-shi, Saitama - 350 - 2202, Japan |
Educational Qualification:
- Ph. D Bio-nanotechnology,Bio Nano Science Fusion Course, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science, Toyo University, Japan- (2014-2017).
- Master of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)- (2008-2010)
- Bachelors in Pharmacy, Pune University- (2003-2007)
Professional History:
- (2017- Onwards) Post-Doctoral Researcher, Toyo University, Japan.
- (April 2014-2017) Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant (Ph.D. Student) Toyo University.
- (2013-2014 March) Senior Research Fellow (funded by DST), Department of Biochemistry, IISc, Bangalore, India.
- (2012-2013) Senior Research Officer, Sandor Proteomics Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore Branch, India.
- (2010-2011) Junior Research Fellow (funded by DBT and DST), Department of Biochemistry, IISc, Bangalore, India.
Awards and Honors:
- Inoue Enryo Research Grant Award, Toyo University, Japan 2016-17, Project: “Surface Coated Magnetic Nano Balls for Cancer Therapy”.
- Inoue Enryo Research Grant Award, Toyo University, Japan 2015-16, Project: “Multiple Drug Loaded Magnetic Anti-Cancer Nano Balls”.
- Recipient of Monbukagakusho (MEXT - 2014) Japanese Government Scholarship.
- Aced in professional courses such asNMR Spectroscopy, Proteomics for basic science & applied research, Laboratory animal management, and Basics of intellectual property- protection conducted by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Research Interests:
- Design and development of smart biopolymeric nanoformulations for delivery of next generation anticancer drugs like Hsp90 inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors and others.
- Computational, chemical biology and molecular pharmaceutics for the development of drugs, targeting age related diseases like cancer.
- Design of smart transdermal formulation for delivery of nanoparticles for cancer therapy.
- Protein-drug interaction chemistries, proteomics, metabolomics and molecular biology for pharmaceutical nano constructs.
- Pk/PD studies for newly developed formulations using advanced instrumentations like HPLC and tandem mass spectrometry.
Thesis Title:
“Design and Development of Nano-formulation for Chaperone (Hsp90) Targeted Anticancer Drugs Using Biopolymers”.
Book Chapter:
Heat-shock Protein 90 as an Antimalarial Target. Ankit Rochani, Meetali Singh and UtpalTatu. Inhibitors of Molecular Chaperones as Therapeutic Agents (Chapter 14), Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 (RSC), Editor Timothy Machajewski and Zhenhai Gao, ISBN: 978-1-84973-666-4, PDF eISBN: 978-1-84973-968-9.
- Dual mode of cancer cell destruction for pancreatic cancer therapy using Hsp90 inhibitor loaded polymeric nano magnetic formulation. Rochani AK, Balasubramanian S, Ravindran Girija A, Raveendran S, Borah A, Nagaoka Y, Nakajima Y, Maekawa T, Kumar DS. Int J Pharm. 2016 Sep 10;511(1):648-58.
- Heat-Shock Protein 90-Targeted Nano Anticancer Therapy. Rochani AK, Ravindran Girija A, Borah A, Maekawa T, Sakthi Kumar D. J Pharm Sci. 2016 Apr;105(4):1454-66.
- Borah A, Palaninathan V, Girija AR, Balasubramanian S, Rochani AK, et al. Poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid Nanoformulation of Small Molecule Antagonist GANT61 for Cancer Annihilation by Modulating Hedgehog Pathway. NanoWorld J 3(1): 1-10, 2017.
- Imidazopyridazine inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum calcium dependent protein kinase 1 also target cGMP-dependent protein kinase and heat shock protein 90 to kill the parasite at different stages of intracellular development. Green JL, Moon RW, Whalley D, Bowyer PW, Wallace C, Rochani A, Kumar R, Howell SA, Grainger M, Jones HM, Ansell KH, Chapman TM, Taylor DL, Osborne SA, Baker DA, Tatu U, Holder AA. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015.
- Targeting self-renewal pathways in cancer stem cells: clinical implications for cancer therapy.Borah A, Raveendran S, Rochani A, Maekawa T, Kumar D S. Oncogenesis. 2015.
- Clinical proteomics of the neglected human malarial parasite Plasmodium vivax.Acharya P, Pallavi R, Chandran S, Dandavate V, Sayeed SK, Rochani A, Acharya J, Middha S, Kochar S, Kochar D, Ghosh SK, Tatu U. PLoS One. 2011;6 (10):e26623. Epub 2011 Oct 20.
- Heat Shock Protein 90 Inhibitors as Broad Spectrum Anti-infectives. Rochani AK, Singh M, Tatu U. Curr Pharm Des. 2012 Aug 16.
- Heat Shock Protein 90 as a potential drug target against Surra. Rochani AK, ChandanMitra, Singh M and Tatu. Parasitology. 10:1-8, 2014 Jun.
- Synthesis, Characterization, In-vitro Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory Evaluations of Novel 4-Quinolone containing Pyrazolidinedione Derivatives. B.V.Suma, Rochani AK, C.H.S. Venkataramana, Judy Jays, V. Madhavan. International Journal of ChemTech Research; Vol.2, No.4, pp 2156-2162, Dec 2010.
- Drug Design and In-Silico Hepatotoxicity Studies of Synthesized Novel 4-Quinolone Containing Pyrazolidinedione Derivatives. Rochani AK, B.V. Suma*,C.H.S. Venkataramana, Judy Jays, V. Madhavan, International Journal of ChemTech Research; Vol.3, No.2, June 2011
- QSAR, ADME and QSTR studies of some synthesized anti-cancer 2-indolinone derivatives. Rochani AK, B.V. Suma, Surendar Kumar, Judy Jaysand V. Madhavan International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences; Vol.1, Issue-4, Dec.2010.
- In Silico ADME and Toxicity Studies of Some Synthesized Novel Isatin Derivatives. Judy Jays, Ankit Rochani, Amit Kumar, B.V. Suma, C. H. S Venkataramana and V. Madhavan. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences; Vol. 2, Issue-4, Dec 2011.
Scientific Presentations:
- Hsp90-Targeted Nano Anticancer Therapy. Ankit K. Rochani, Sivakumar Balasubramanian, Aswathy Ravindran Girija, Sreejith Raveendran, Ankita Borah, Yoshikata Nakajima, Yutaka Nagaoka, Toru Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar. 8th International Conference on the Hsp90 Chaperone Machine, 2016 Germany. Selected for Travel Award at Trends in Nanotechnology, 2016 Switzerland.
- Next Generation Nanoformulation for Hsp90 Inhibitors for Anticancer Therapy (Invited Student Oral Presentation). Ankit K. Rochani, Sivakumar Balasubramanian, Ravindran Girija Aswathy, Sreejith Raveendran, Ankita Borah, Yutaka Nagaoka, Yoshikata Nakajima, Toru Maekawa, D. Sakthi Kumar. 14th International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology. BNERC, Toyo University, 2016.
- Hedgehog (Hh) pathway inhibitor loaded polymeric nanoparticles for anti-cancer therapy A. Borah, V. Palaninathan, A. Ravindran, Ankit Rochani, S. Raveendran, T. Maekawa, D.S. Kumar*. Trends at Nanotechnology (TNT), 2016 Switzerland.
- Small scale large animal trials of HSP 90 Inhibitors for treatment of Trypanosomosis. Ankit Rochani, Chandan Mithra, D.T.Vishruta, S.C.Yadav, Rajender Kumar and UtpalTatu*. Metabolomics 2015, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (Best Poster Award).
- MMA Measurement in Vitamin B12 Deficient Individuals. Chandan Mithra, Ankit Rochani, D.T.Vishruta, AnandSheshadri, Krishna Bhagavatula, Dattatray S. Bhat, C.S Yajnik and UtpalTatu*, Metabolomics 2015, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- Software programmes: neophyte of new drug discovery in India.61st Indian Pharmaceutical Congress 2009, Nirma University, Ahmadabad, India.
- Synthesis, characterization, in-vitro anti- bacterial and anti- inflammatory evaluation of novel4-quinolone pyrazolidinedione derivatives. Ankit K. Rochani, C.H.S. Venkataramana, Judy Jays, V. Madhavan, B.V.Suma. The Sophisticated Analytical Instruments Facility (SAIF) meeting, NMR Research Center, 2010, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Conferences & Workshop Coordinator:
- Project coordinator for 5th Annual meeting proteomics society of India (http://proteomicsindia.in/)
- Developing training modulefor LC-MS/MS based proteomics and metabolomics workflow for United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) based workshops under guidance of Prof. UtpalTatu, Expert Panel Biomedicine, USP